Monday, September 24, 2012

Zac's latest...

(While he was attempting to lock me out back, I started opening the door)

 "Mommy!! If you open that door you're gonna knock my ass right off this chair!"

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This story's from Colleen, since I haven't seen this kid in over a month. :-(

"Last night we were reading in bed, and Leo was sitting next to me with a book and Lucy snatched it, so he growled and stood up and like, BELLY FLOPPED on her and grabbed it back. It was freaking hysterical."

Zac again

Zac, Suzi, and I were sitting in the living room one day. Zac was asking Suzi something, and I piped up with some (probably very unhelpful) comment. Zachary turns to me, kind of annoyed, and goes "Chelsea, no one is TALKING to you!!"

Kid's 3. Really, he's this snarky at 3?? I'm scared. :-P


The other morning I went into the toyroom where Thomas was watching TV. It was a school day, and he informed me of this the second I walked into the room. I went and sat next to him, and noticed his fleece pants had a lot of dog hair on them. So I said "You're COVERED in dog hair, boy.." and he goes "I know. I wear dog hair every day."

Me too Tom, me too...


So the other day I took Zachary out for a couple hours so his mother could run out and do a few things without him. First we told him that's what was going on, but he was not okay with that, so we changed it to Mommy was gonna stay home while we went out, which was fine with him. So a couple hours later, I find out she's almost home, and we head home. We pull into the neighborhood and Zac says "Is Mommy at home?" so I say "Umm.. I think so." and he goes "You TINK so?? Is she home or NOT?!?!"

Too smart, that one...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I guess the lead up doesn't matter, huh?

Zacky: "Che-sea, you know wha' else?"
Me: "What?"
Zac: "Chicken butt!!"

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It was a "Project"

As I walked in to change the baby this morning a giant lipstick circle greeted me on the door to the bed room. knowing without question who put it there I yell for Thomas. After telling me to wait a moment while he paused the game on the iphone he finally arrives. Me "Thomas why would you do this" Thomas" I was doing a project and I wanted to make a stop sign" Me (holding back giggles) "you can't draw on the wall, you just got in trouble for the green circles on Alleen's wall, NO more Iphone today" He then goes running into Alleen's room, where the Iphone is and shuts the door. I have to finish changing the baby then I go to get the phone. I open the door and hear "Here I just beat the game anyway" I take the phone and put it away only to hear Thomas crying "What have I done, oh what have I done" I think I have found our most powerful discipline tool yet :)